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Затварят форума на OpenERP

Днес прочетох една много неприята новина във форума на OpenERP  -  http://forum.openerp.com/forum/post118971.html#p118971

В общи линии идеята на собствениците е да оставят форума само за четене за няколко месеца и след това да го закрият. Част от  информацията ще бъде пренесена на други платформи като http://stackoverflow.com/faq, а за не англоезично говорящите - Google+.

 Dear Community,

We think it's time to replace this forum by something more efficient. As we just released version 7, we will able to dedicate time to improve our different community resources. 

We plan to build something with:
- no spam
- questions and answers oriented, rather than more discussions oriented
- meritocracy based (users will get more privileges to become moderators according to the quality of their contributions).
- more structured (tags, votes) to start building a knowledge base
- a better quality in the content
- more users to have more answers

We plan to replace the forum by askbot, an open source stackoverflow clone. The FAQ of stackoverflow summarize pretty well the guidelines of the new community platform we will setup:

The moderators of this new community platform will follow the reputation system of stackoverflow (http://stackoverflow.com/faq#reputation). However, in order to bootstrap the new platform, we would like to get a few contributors that will become the ambassadors in order to moderate and ensure a quality/respect of the quidelines in the first questions and answers.

Initial ambassadors will have the responsibility to define the best practises and moderate the initial questions and answers in order to ensure a relevant quality in the content.

These ambassadors will receive extra privileges to be able to moderate others' posts within the first months of the launch.

This new Q&A system will help build a strong OpenERP knowledge base. In order to keep a high quality of the content, some topics will be forbidden in this Q&A site: informal discussions, non-English questions, etc.

But today, the forum is used for both questions and discussions. So, we will also launch a series of open Google+ Communities on OpenERP so that everything that does not fit in the Q&A guidelines can be discussed in an open Google+ community discussion group. (the non-English forums will be moved to Google+ communities).

We do not plan to import the forum in the new Q&A site as we will allow only relevant and high quality content, which is not always the case in the current forum threads. So, we plan to have a transition period:
- In a few weeks, we will launch the new platforms but we keep the forum open
- We will close the forum two weeks after the launch of the new platform
- Once the Q&A site will have enough interesting questions, we will promote it to more users by integrating a "Help" menu into OpenERP itself
- We will keep a read-only version of the forum as an archive for several months

If you want to apply to become an ambassador for this new Q&A site, please reply to this post. We will select the 10 biggest contributors and give them extra privileges to moderate the platform within the next months.


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