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Odoo 9 Webinar - Sell more and faster with Odoo Sales (CET)

Sell faster with polished quotations, electronic signatures, and online payments.

Connect with our experts through this webinar and gain invaluable insight into Odoo Sales and the Odoo 9 new features:

  • Sales Orders

  • Quotations

  • Pricelists

  • Quote Templates

  • Payment Terms

  • Create and review reports & dashboard

  • Odoo eSign

Everything you need to know can be found in one place. Send offers with clear pricing to your customers and let them accept it, reject it or ask for more information. You can directly communicate with the customer through the messaging software and see the whole history of the conversation in the quotation. Simple. Flexible. And fully integrated with the rest of the Odoo Apps ecosystem.


Последно променена вПетък, 23 Октомври 2015 19:09
  • Оценете
    (1 глас)
  • Публикувана в Odoo 9
  • Прочетена 4463 пъти

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